Drop-In Prayer

Drop-In Prayer

All students are most welcome to join in any day for all or any part of the time(s) above:

  • for individual prayer & encouragement/wisdom from God's Word for any personal concern and/or resources and guidance for helping others
  • to pray with others for the Lord's life-giving work on campus through all the fellowships
We meet on
Tuesday and Thursday afternoon from 4:15-5:30pm,
and at other times by appointment in Old Union Room 314 (3rd floor)

Parakaleo advisors, staff ministers Steve & Erica Lawry (now in their 45th year of full-time ministry at Stanford) are available for private consultation at the end of the scheduled time or by appointment.

Open to all Stanford graduate and undergraduate students from all fellowships.

Hosted by Parakaleo Christian Ministries as a service to all believers on campus.